The Electron Microscopy Platform (PMEL) is the electron microscopy facility of the University of Lille, hosted by the Institut Michel-Eugène Chevreul (CNRS FR2638).
It is equipped with two transmission electron microscopes (FEI Titan Themis 60-300kV and FEI Tecnai 200 kV), three scanning electron microscopes (Jeol low-pressure SEM, HITACHI SU 5000 analytical SEM working at variable pressure, and Hitachi tabletop SEM) and an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA, CAMECA SX 100). Sample preparation equipment is also available, including (cryo)ultra-microtomy, a semi-automatic mechanical polishing system and several generations precision ion milling machines.
The PMEL is a key regional and national electron microscopy facility serving tens of scientist from research institutions and industry (e.g. Aperam and Saint-Gobain). Since its foundation about 30 years ago, it has played a major role in raising the level of excellence of the regional materials science community. PMEL is a also a TEM national facility for the French Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers (INSU-CNRS). Consulting services are proposed to external (academic or private) users.
Research at the PMEL is focused on the characterization of metal, glasses, ceramics, polymers, minerals and materials for catalysis, with a expertise in quantitative nano-analysis (EDX and EELS) and electron diffraction.